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Spatial Arrangement-帮助你攻破雅思托福地点类的法宝!

2017-07-16 16:08:14 编辑:无 浏览:(1606次)



在通往雅思口语7.0,托福口语25+ 的道路上, 绝大多数考生忽略的一个致命东西—Coherence Training.(连贯性训练).

Logical Progression

英语是一门连贯性强而且非常有逻辑的语言。这种逻辑思路在雅思托福口语考试中更为重要。对于一个高分的雅思Part2 和Part3 或者对于一个高分的托福Task1&2 ,绝非是想到什么就说什么的. “Logical Progression”在雅思托福中,是取得高分的重要因素。



在英文的连贯性中,主要有三种逻辑思维方式,分别是: 1. Spatial Arrangement ( 位置远近)2. General- Specific ( 总体到局部) 3. Chronological Arrangement ( 时间先后). 其中, Spatial Arrangement适用于地点类和物品类话题, 当然很明显, Chronological Arrangement 用于经历类话题。


因篇幅有限,这次我们先讲Spatial Arrangement-帮助你攻破地点类的法宝!

Spatial Arrangement是我们在雅思Part2 和托福独立任务中遇到地点类问题的时候通常会遵循的思路。

Spatial Arrangement

所谓Spatial Arrangement 指的是在描述地点类题目时, 遵循位置由远到近的逻辑线条。比如下面这段素材就是这样的思路:

雅思 Part 2

From a distance, the shopping centre features several modern high rises, but as we get closer, we can see all the buildings are well-constructed and wrapped in colorful glass on all sides. Furthermore, we also notice that the shopping centre is well-equipped and decorated with advanced facilities when we actually go into it. ( Provided by Joshua).


Provided by Joshua

下边我们来看看一道托福Task1真题“ Choose a place in your city that you usually visit and explain why you like this place. Including details and specific examples” ( 注: 雅思今年5月也加入类似题目” Describe a place where you can read/ relax” ).


对于这道题,Joshua目前在托福班见过的考生大多是”消极避世型”. 两个模版句子加上想把去年年夜饭都吐出来的” make friends” 和“relax”理由45秒就过去了。“I would like to talk about Johnny café in my university . I usually go there for two reasons. The first reason is that I can relax and get refreshed there. You know, I am a student and I have lots of paper to do and lots of exams to prepare everyday, spending some time in that café is a great way for me to release the pressure. The second reason is that I can make new friends there. The café also attracts lots of foreigners as well. So I can practice my English with them and more importantly, get to know different cultures and customs through the communication ” (考生原话)。

而且不少考生还自豪跟我说下次遇到Restaurant, park, garden, 反正任何地点都可以,万能模版套路哦,棒棒达。诚然,这样的答案在考试能流利对着电脑说出来也不是坏事,但是, 细细想想,是很空洞无物的。能够拿分,但是肯定拿不了高分。

如果这道题我们遵循” Spatial Arrangement”, 再来看看:

The place I often visit is John’s café which is just a stone’s throw away from my apartment, naturally, I am a regular there ( REASON 1) and I got to know the owner John well. Sometimes he even serves me tasty coffee with big discounts. (REASON 2 ). From a distance, the exterior of this café is impressive as the whole building is wrapped in colorful glass on all sides. As I go in to the café, I find that it is well- decorated with crystal chandeliers, fancy wall paper, and lovely wall lamps ,making the whole ambience romantic ( REASON 3). So, the convenient location, the enthusiastic staff and the elegant designs (SHORT BUT VERY POWERFUL CONCLUSION )are the reasons that the café becomes my favorite haunt. (115 words, Provided by Joshua). (115 words)

Provided by Joshua

大家可以看到,Joshua的答案其实并没有用模版,the first reason is that… the second reason is that… 但是task response 是完成的。在按照Spatial Arrangement中, 已经巧妙地把题目中问到为什么你经常去这个地方按照逻辑交代的非常清楚: 1. A stone’s throw away from my house(理由一: 离家近在咫尺,自然而然成为常客), 2. Got to know the café owner and often get discounts from him (理由二: 和老板很熟,能得到优惠). 3. Impressive exterior of the café as well as exquisite decoration (理由三: 咖啡店吸引人的外观和精致的装修). 结尾处再一次重申这些原因。紧扣题目。 这样的答案就是非常的具体,条理清楚,有说服力并且显示特色。



General— Specific的逻辑思路
